
BPOテクノロジー株式会社は、『人々の時間を増やし、幸せを増やす(ヒトとAIの最適なチームワークの探求 )』を経営理念とし、また、お客様の信頼をあらゆる活動の原点と考え、事業活動を遂行しています。
人手不足を解消するだけでなく、企業の DX 推進や業務効率化・自動化をサポートすることで、デジタル化が進んだより進化した社会の実現に向けて取り組みを加速しております。




1. 倫理・法令の遵守


2. 人権の尊重


3. 異なる価値観・多様性の尊重


4. お客様への満足・信頼の提供


5. 公正な競争と取引


6. 情報の保護と開示


7. 環境の保全


8. 規範の実践







Compliance and Code of Conduct of BPO Technology Inc.

BPO Technology Inc. will conduct all business activities, with the customer trust being the basis of the corporate activities and the management policy of “Make Time, Make Happy with AI”.
We are accelerating our efforts to realize a more digitally advanced and evolved society by not only solving worker shortages but also supporting companies in promoting DX and improving operational efficiency and automation.
This “Compliance and Code of Conduct of BPO Technology Inc.” is a compilation of the rules to be respected so our management policy can become a concrete set of actions, and shall be prioritized in the execution of the business activities for fair and equitable business operations.

All employees and Service providers of BPO Technology Inc. shall act in accordance with this Compliance and Code of Conduct, all the applicable laws of the countries and region where the company has its business operations, and internal rules and regulation of the company in order to perform honest and ethical corporate activities. The employees and the Service providers shall perform the fair business activities through understanding correctly the rules in relation to the business activities and acting in strict compliance with the rules.

This Compliance and Code of Conduct shall apply to the directors, employees including full-time employees, contractors and temporary staffs (the same applies hereinafter) .
Those who enter into service agreement and/or outsourcing contract with BPO Technology Inc. (hereinafter, collectively referred to as “Service providers”) to undertake the services for BPO Technology Inc. for its customers (hereinafter, referred to as “Service”), must understand this Compliance and Code of Conduct before signing such agreement. The Service providers shall abide by applicable provision of this Compliance and Code of Conduct when undertaking the service arising out of the service and outsourcing agreement.

1. Compliance with ethics and regulations.
We will respect, fully understand and follow all the applicable laws and regulations of the countries and regions and other social norms where the company has its business operations. Our employees and Service providers shall act respecting the principles of fairness and honesty, so that BPO Technology Inc. shall be recognized as a trusted company in harmony with the society.
We will maintain the firm stance to exclude any relationship with anti-social forces which threaten the order and safety of the society and will not take any action to benefit these forces and groups.
We will build the risk management system to cover all possible aspects and the employee and the Service providers will respectively follow the internal regulations, internal rules and guidelines concerning the execution of the service, to preventively avoid the risks.

2. Respect for Human Rights
We will respect basic human rights and will not engage in any unhuman acts or behaviour such as unfair discrimination, bullying, humiliation, verbal abuse (either oral or in writing) or any forms of harassment. We will work toward the equal employment opportunity and take measures to make the employee friendly working environment.
We will respect and deal carefully with the privacy of the employees and Service providers and manage the private information in a strict manner to avoid the accident such as leakage of private information.
We will comply with the labour related regulation such as Labour Standards Act.

3. Respect for the different values and diversity
We will perform the business activities from a global perspective and act in compliance with international and local rules and regulations. We will promote social contribution activities, seek to build mutual cooperation and trust and operate our business with good understanding of the social conditions with careful consideration of local culture and traditions.
We will promote flexible work style to improve work-life balance suitable for each employee, and seek to improve both the quality of the service provided to the customers and the professional satisfaction of the employees.
We, when performing the business activities under the different working environments including remote working, recognize that each one of us is a member of the society and seek to maintain appropriate working environment and undertake the service being fully aware of the obligation of confidentiality.
We will not engage with in any acts of malicious and aggressive defamation on any legal entities or individuals nor any other similar acts which may be misunderstood as such. We will respect the individual characters and personality, and engage with sincere dialogue with forward-looking and positive expression, to enhance the capabilities of all the parties involved.

4. Customer satisfaction and trust.
We will respond to any request by the customers, following all the social and ethical norms as a reasonable member of the society.
We will make every effort to improve the quality of the services provided by BPO Technology Inc., to aim at the higher efficiency and efficacy of the performance, as well as to develop the internal capacity through trainings and human resource development program.
We will target the maximum level of customer satisfaction when attending the request or the inquiry from the customers, taking into consideration the customer’s point of view, having a good grasp of the situation and responding promptly in accordance with the internal rules and guidelines.
We will handle the important customer claims with close communication, discussion and feedbacks among the related departments, as necessary, and seek to improve the quality of the service to prevent similar incidents from recurring.

5. Fair competition and trade
We adhere to the principle of appropriate trade, fair, transparent and free competition and comply with anti-trust laws.
We will not offer any improper benefit or contributions to public servants, politicians and political entities.
We will respect and follow the Premiums and Representation Act and Unfair Competition Prevention Act, and will not engage with any conducts against unfair competition, such as any mis-representation, sales of inappropriate products, acquisition of confidential trade information.
Each one of us shall clearly separate public and private matters and will not do any wrongful act taking advantage of the position and attributions at the company.

6. Protection of the information and disclosure
We understand the importance of the information through the execution of the service and will strictly control and handle the trade secret, by protecting properly and avoiding its misuse.
We will protect its own intellectual property right and will not infringe upon the intellectual right held others.
We will commit to prompt and proper disclosure of the certain corporate information which is subject to open and public reporting.

7. Protection of environment
We will voluntarily and actively promote the daily activities to protect the global environment and contribute to build sustainable society.

8. Implementation of this code
We will not turn a blind eye to the problems and will report such problems when occurred to the department and desks in charge. When any possible unethical or unlawful acts is detected, we will promptly conduct the investigation in a cooperative manner.
We will not allow any retaliatory actions to those who reported faithfully or cooperate with the investigation and we will treat fairly and respectfully those who understand correctly the contents of this Compliance and Code of Conduct and cooperate in reporting in good faith.

BPO Technology  Inc. will continuously revise this Compliance and Code of Conduct and adjust to the changing business operation and business environment, and maintain this Code meaningful and up to date to the company’s clear policies.
BPO Technology Inc. shall revise and adjust this Code in accordance with the laws and regulations, and customs of the countries and region of its business operations.
All the employees and Service providers of BPO Technology Inc. will actively put this Compliance and Code of Conduct into practice, raise awareness and make the Code known inside the organization and act in the manner that each and every employee and contractor are able to abide by this code.
Those who violated this Compliance and Code of Conduct shall be subject to the disciplinary actions in accordance with the related regulations. The employees who violated this code will be subject to the strict measures including sanctions, according to the internal regulation of the company.

November, 2023
BPO Technology Inc.